
To be short about it, the meaning of a word changes over time, we do not speak a dead language, it is constantly evolving and changing, a word does not retain its sole meaning over time, nor should it.

The Term Anime was once just a shortened way of saying animation in japan (and many stubbornly, and ignorantly, hold to that definition). However over the years this has changed as many people around the world try to create anime like animation. I dont care if you dont like it, or dont believe it, but its a fact that Anime no longer refers to animation in japan, but any animation that reflects what anime has become (a standard for quality story telling and art in animation).

For instance, many might call Code Lyoko, or Sky Blue (Wonderful Days), or Kuiba (which I reviewed on this site) anime. But in fact Code Lyoko was made in France, and Sky Blue is from South Korea, and Kuiba was Chinese, but all have, what many would recognize, as an Anime style. Even in manga many are coming to recognize manhwa (Korean manga) as a form of manga and you can find many of these on manga sites (Love In The Mask is manhwa, which is on one of my top picks of manga). Its not the art style (as art styles vary greatly among anime and manga), but how art and story telling is used to deliver an amazing deep experience.
Light Novels, and Web Novels will be classified under both manga and anime, no particular reason.